August 11, 2011 City Council Meeting Minutes


The regular meeting of the Hickory Hills City Council was called to order by Mayor Mike Howley on Thursday, August 11, 2011 at 7:34 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.


Mayor Howley led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Upon roll call, the following were present:

  • Mayor, M. Howley
  • Aldermen:
    L. DeRose
    D. Ferrero
    M. McHugh
    J. Moirano
    J. Stachnik
    J. Szeszycki
  • City Clerk, D. Catizone
  • City Treasurer, D. Schramm
  • City Attorney, V. Cainkar
  • Police Chief, A. Vodicka
  • City Engineer, T. Lang
  • Public Works Director, L. Boettcher

Alderman McAvoy, Alderman Zimmerman and Building Commissioner Gordon Betcher were absent. There being a quorum present, the meeting was called to order.


Alderman Moirano moved to open the meeting to the public. Alderman Stachnik second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki aye. So approved.

Mr. Dan Gensch
9105 S. 87th Avenue

Mr. Gensch voiced his concern for the safety of the students, and residents children and the family members and property. He noted with construction to begin on 88th Avenue, his concerns take on a greater sense of urgency. He also noted he has shared these concerns with the H. H. Police Department and School District 117. Mr. Gensch stated seventeen families share his concerns.

Mayor Howley thanked Mr. Gensch for his letter and for bringing this matter to the City’s attention.

There is a meeting set up for next week to address these concerns.
Alderman Stachnik mentioned he had residents also tell him children are being dropped off farther from the school and this may also cause a problem.

Dan Pifko
Flamingo Terrace Apartments

Mr. Pifko asked the status on the flooding issue. Mayor Howley noted he has been in contact with another owner and he is keeping him updated on this matter. Mayor Howley has met with the Forest Preserve on site. He noted they are aware of these problems. The City has sent a letter to the Forest Preserve. They are now reviewing this area. Mayor Howley suggested Mr. Pifko send a letter to the Forest Preserve advising them of the flooding that occurred.

Sandy Baker
9029 Park Hill Court

Mrs. Baker commented on the article in the current newsletter that 88th Avenue will be reconstructed. She noted her street does not have a street sign. Mayor Howley directed Public Works to erect the Park Hill Court street sign. The City will be reimbursed from the Developer’s Line of Credit. She had some other issues with the developer of the subdivision. 1) Weed issue in empty lot. 2) Dumping on empty lots. 3) Lot to the north of 9029 has lines running near the surface. 4) Cars are parking on the street overnight. Alderman McHugh stated he will alert the Building Department of the building issues and the weed issue will be investigated by the Ordinance Officer. The Police will issue warning tickets on the cars that are parking overnight.


Alderman Szeszycki moved to close the meeting to the public. Alderman Ferrero second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki aye. So approved.


Alderman Szeszycki moved to approve the minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of July 28, 2011 as printed subject to deletions or corrections. Alderman Ferrero second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki aye. Alderman McHugh pass. So approved.



    Res. 11-07

    Mayor Howley presented Resolution 11-07, a resolution expressing intent to continue participation in the Suburban Tree Consortium and to authorize certain purchases for fiscal year 2011. Mayor Howley stated this is important to remain in this organization. Alderman McHugh moved to approve Res. 11-07. Alderman Ferrero second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki aye. So approved.

    Mayor Howley noted Da Bar is seeking permission to hold a Rib Fest on Saturday, September 3rd. They do have permission from the mall. No objections were noted.

    Mayor Howley reported Rep. Kelly Burke will be at the next Council meeting. Mayor Howley thanked Rep. Burke for her support with the tollway signage.

    Mayor Howley noted he met with the architect with plans for the property next to McDonald’s. As of now, the building is smaller with plenty of parking. Mayor Howley forwarded plans to the aldermen in the ward.

    Mayor Howley will be meeting with Chase Bank representatives to review their plans. Once the building design is approved, they will move forward.


    Clerk Catizone reported she is in receipt of a request from the Girl Scouts. They would like to start their cookie drive and fall product sale in October door to door. No objections were noted.

    Clerk Catizone also reported she is in receipt of a request from the Hickory Hills Lions Club to use a conference room at City Hall during the Run for Fun 5K event for vision testing. This event will be held on October 22nd. No objections were noted.

    Clerk Catizone noted the IML Annual Conference will be held on Sept. 15 through Sept. 17th at the Chicago Hilton.


    Treasurer Schramm presented the Treasurer’s Report dated July 31, 2011 for approval. Alderman McHugh moved to approve the July 31, 2011 Treasurer’s Report. Alderman Stachnik second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki aye. So approved.


    No report submitted.


    Mr. Lang presented Invoice #90624 from Central Blacktop for work done on street resurfacing (2011 miscellaneous resurfacing MFT 11-00000-01-GM, pay estimate #2, partial) in the amount of $218,142.89. Alderman Moirano moved to approve the payment to Central Blacktop in the amount of $218,142.89. Alderman Ferrero second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki aye. So approved.

    Mr. Lang reported the zoning map is now being reviewed and updated.



Alderman McHugh moved to approve bills payable for the first half of August 2011 in the amount of $406,712.92. Alderman Moirano second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki aye. So approved.



    No report submitted.

    Zimmerman/Public Safety

    Alderman Zimmerman was absent. No report submitted.

    Chief Vodicka reported the Police Department has submitted a plan to the school district addressing the traffic issue at Glen Oaks which was brought up at the beginning of this meeting. Chief Vodicka also gave a copy of this plan to Mr. Gensch.

    Moirano/Public Works

    Alderman Moirano reported Public Works is requesting the Council pass a resolution regarding continued participation in the tree consortium. This resolution was passed at the beginning of the meeting this evening. Alderman Moirano noted three hundred Ash trees of varying sizes were identified throughout the City on public parkways for removal and to be replaced. Public Works will continue the tree cost sharing program with emphasis on Ash tree removal.

    Alderman Moirano noted a pre-construction meeting for the 88th Avenue project will be August 31st.


    Alderman McHugh reported Comcast will be installing new hardware in the Parkview Apartments. This is no cost to the City. The project will begin next week.

    Stachnik/Laws & Ordinances

    Alderman Stachnik reported he has two business applications for 1) Sanbuena Distributers located at 7748 W. 99th Street. This is a wholesale bakery supplier. Hours of operation are 9 to 5. In the same location will be a second company, El Moro De Letran Churros. They will have 4 more employees for this business. No objections were noted.

    DeRose/Health & Environmental Control/Recycling

    No report submitted.

    Ferrero/Community Services/Youth Advisory Board

    No report submitted.


    Alderman McAvoy was absent. No report submitted.






Alderman Ferrero moved to adjourn until the next scheduled or specially called meeting. Alderman Moirano second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki aye. So approved.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.