New Pace Route 856 Bus on Shoulder – Toyota Park to Chicago

New Pace Route 856 Bus on Shoulder – Toyota Park to Chicago

Pace is pleased to announce new Bus on Shoulder (BoS) service beginning Monday, October 24, 2016 between the Pace Toyota Park Transit Center & Park-n-Ride in Bridgeview and the East Loop and North Michigan Avenue in Chicago. Route 856 buses will be allowed to ride on the shoulder along I-55 when traffic is congested.

The service will operate three inbound morning trips from Toyota Park beginning at 6:45 AM, 7:15 AM and 11:00 AM. Midday and evening trips will depart Michigan/ Superior at 12:15 PM, 4:45 PM, 5:15 PM and 9:00 PM. This will be a Posted Stops Only and Express Route. The list of stops served is available at

pace-bus-routeThe Park-n-Ride area and Kiss-n-Ride lane are located just north of the Pace Toyota Park Transit Center and can be accessed via entrance S3 from 71st Street (see image on the left).

Public timetables for Route 856 will be available on board buses, online at or by calling Pace Customer Relations at (847) 364-7223, option 3.

Click here for a copy of the Route 856 map and for the bus timetable schedule.