City Clerk’s Office

City Clerk: Joseph Stachnik
Utility Biller: Sharon Marciano
Executive Secretary: Mary Esposito
Insurance Clerk: Monika Wojturska


(fax) 708/430-6245


Monday-Friday: 8:30AM to 4:30PM


The members of the City Clerk’s office are committed to rendering friendly, considerate, and equal service to all residents as well as recording and preserving all records entrusted to us.

The City Clerk’s office maintains all official City records including Council minutes, ordinances, resolutions and City’s codebook. Water billings are quarterly from the Clerk’s office. These payments as well as all revenues due the City are collected through the Clerk’s office.

The office also provides voter registration; to register, you must provide two pieces of identification, at lease one, which must show your current address. Naturalized citizens will need to provide the court, date and city of your naturalization. Requirements to register are; 1) United States Citizenship 2) Age 18 by the date of next election and 3) Reside in election precinct at least 30 days prior to the next election.

The Clerk handles all inquiries from the public on official City documents in accordance with the requirements of the Illinois Freedom of Information Act. The Clerk’s office also provides licensing for all businesses. Notices of renewals are sent annually and are due prior to the end of the fiscal year, which is April 30. A change in ownership of a business requires that the new owner apply for a new license. The fees are based on the square footage and type of business.