February 26, 2009 City Council Meeting Minutes
The regular meeting of the Hickory Hills City Council was called to order by Mayor Mike Howley on Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 7:49 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.
Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Howley led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Upon roll call, the following were present:
- Mayor, M. Howley
- Aldermen
L. DeRose
D. Ferrero
T. McAvoy
M. McHugh
J. Moirano
S. Zimmerman - City Clerk, J. Jackson
- City Treasurer, D. Schramm
- City Attorney, V. Cainkar
- City Engineer, T. Lang
- Police Chief, A. Vodicka
- Building Commissioner, G. Betcher
- Public Works Director, L. Boettcher
- Deputy City Clerk, D. Catizone
Aldermen Stachnik and Szeszycki were absent. There being a quorum present, the meeting was called to order.
Alderman Moirano moved to open the meeting to the public. Alderman Ferrero second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
No one spoke during this portion of the meeting.
Alderman McHugh moved to close the meeting to the public. Alderman McAvoy second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Alderman Moirano moved to approve the minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of February 12, 2009 as printed subject to deletions or corrections including the Community Block Grant minutes. Alderman McHugh second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Jewel Reopening
Mayor Howley reported the grand reopening of Jewel was held this morning and thanked everyone for attending. He noted the Jewel looks like a brand new store.
St. Pat’s Request
Mayor Howley is in receipt of a request from St. Patricia’s School for a temporary liquor license for four performances of “Annie” on March 19th – March 22, 2009. Alderman Moirano moved to approve this temporary liquor license with fees waived. Alderman McAvoy second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Ace Hardware
Mayor Howley noted Ace Hardware will be holding a super sale on Saturday, February 28th. Everything will be 20% off. He asked if the Council could let residents know of this great sale.
Ice Cream Social
Mayor Howley reported the Ice Cream Social and Jazz Band concert was very nice and well attended.
Ice Cream Vendors
Mayor Howley noted the City currently has 3 ice cream truck vendors in the City. The issue of not having vendors came about because of a conflict at a local event. Mayor Howley stated if they have a license we can not prohibit them from certain streets or certain days. Clerk Jackson noted she has only received one complaint in all her years. The consensus of the Council was to continue to have the 3 ice cream vendors.
Clerk Jackson reported she is in receipt of a request from the Hickory Hills Youth Baseball for sponsorship. Alderman McAvoy moved to approve $175.00 for the Hickory Hills Youth Baseball. Alderman McHugh second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Clerk Jackson reported we will go into executive session this evening to approve closed session minutes.
Clerk Jackson distributed information regarding the solicitation policy she has been using. She noted anyone requesting to solicit must be registered with the Attorney General as a charitable organization and have proof of insurance. Clerk Jackson also stated they are only allowed at 95th & Roberts Road. Alderman McHugh has received some calls regarding solicitation on 95th Street. Attorney Cainkar explained they must be a state wide organizations. After some discussion, this matter will be placed on the upcoming Committee meeting.
Clerk Jackson is in receipt of a request from Jewel to open their Garden Center from March 26th through July 1st. No objections were noted.
Clerk Jackson reminded the Council the next Blood Drive will be April 19, 2009.
Clerk Jackson noted voter registration will close on March 10, 2009.
Clerk Jackson reported Hickory Hills Sertoma is looking for nominees who have given of themselves to helping others for the annual Service to Mankind Award. Entries must be postmarked by March 31, 2009.
Clerk Jackson noted a business in town will be holding an auction on April 3rd and 4th. This will be held at Home Tech Liquidators located at 9831 78th Avenue. An auctioneer license at a cost of $25.00 per day will be issued.
Clerk Jackson reported the Korean War Veterans requested solicitation at storefronts on June 12th and June 13th from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.. She noted they must get permission from store owners.
Clerk Jackson has received a request from Stagg High School Music Boosters to place signs at 95th & Roberts Road and 88th Avenue and 95th Street advertising their Arts & Crafts festival on March 21st and March 22nd. No objections were noted.
Clerk Jackson is in receipt of a request from St. Patricia to place signs at 95th & Roberts Road regarding their St. Patrick’s Day party on March 14th.
No objections were noted.
Clerk Jackson reminded the Council the Fish Fry at St. Patricia’s will be on Friday, February 27, 2009.
Lastly, Clerk Jackson noted the newsletter articles deadline is March 6th.
No report submitted.
Ord. 09-03
Attorney Cainkar presented Ord. 09-03, an ordinance amending Chapter 24, building code, by adding Section 24.36, elevator standards, to the Hickory Hills Municipal Code and Resolution 09-05, a resolution approving Illinois Elevator Safety Program Agreement between the City of Hickory Hills and the Office of the State Fire Marshall. Attorney Cainkar noted state law now requires the City enter into an elevator safety program with the State and adopt uniform safety standards. Alderman Moirano moved to approve Ord. 09-03 and Res. 09-05. Alderman Zimmerman second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Mr. Lang reported the street light project in the 1st Ward will begin next week.
Alderman McHugh moved to approve bills payable for the second half of February 2009 in the amount of $255,625.97. Alderman Ferrero second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Szeszycki – Finance
No report submitted.
Zimmerman – Public Safety
No report submitted.
Moirano – Public Works
Alderman Moirano reported that under the Clear Water Program 90 percent of commercial establishments have been inspected, and this week 180 letters were sent to multi-family properties requesting an appointment to inspect and obtain access to locked mechanical rooms.
In addition, sanitary manholes will be inspected for infiltration and point repairs will be made.
McHugh – Building/Facilities
No report submitted.
DeRose – Laws & Ordinances
Alderman DeRose reported he is in receipt of two applications for business licenses. First, MidAmerica Bank Corp. located at 8260 W. 95th Street, 1E. This is a mortgage brokerage firm. Second, Arab American Women Assoc. located at 9525 S. 79th Avenue. This is a volunteer community service organization for Arab American Women. No objections were noted.
Stachnik – Health & Environmental Control/Recycling
No report submitted.
Ferrero – Community Affairs/Youth Advisory Board
Alderman Ferrero reported the Youth Board held an ice cream social and jazz concert on February 18th at the Community Center. There were 85 seniors in attendance. This event went very well.
Alderman Ferrero also noted she will be meeting with Golden Gate Nursery to discuss Arbor Day Tree Sale items.
McAvoy – Chamber/Business Development
No report submitted.
Clerk Jackson noted she had received a request from the Census Bureau to conduct a workshop at City Hall but there was a conflict with the April 7th election. She suggested that they call the Park District.
Alderman McHugh reported a dinner will be held at the Community Center in March. The date is to be set later.
Alderman McAvoy noted he has received a call from a business in the Hickory Palos Square with regards to the parking lights turned off at night. He has sent a letter to the management of the mall.
Alderman Ferrero moved to adjourn the meeting to executive session for the purpose of discussing closed session minutes. Alderman Moirano second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m.