January 28, 2010 City Council Meeting Minutes
The regular meeting of the Hickory Hills City Council was called to order by Mayor Mike Howley on Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 7:31 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.
Mayor Howley led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Upon roll call, the following were present:
- Mayor, M. Howley
- Aldermen:
D. Ferrero
T. McAvoy
M. McHugh
J. Moirano
J. Stachnik
J. Szeszycki
S. Zimmerman - City Treasurer, D. Schramm
- City Clerk, J. Jackson
- City Attorney, V. Cainkar
- Police Chief, A. Vodicka
- City Engineer, T. Lang
- Public Works Director, L. Boettcher
- Building Commissioner, G. Betcher
- Deputy Clerk, D. Catizone
Alderman DeRose was absent. There being a quorum present, the meeting was called to order.
Mayor Howley led a moment of silence for Mr. John Wayteck who passed away this week.
Alderman Moirano moved to open the meeting to the public. Alderman Stachnik second. Aldermen Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Mr. Bob Carlisle
8825 Oakwood Drive
Mr. Carlisle voiced his concerns with regard to the City’s Web page. He noted the current agenda was not posted on the website and some other problems he felt needed to be corrected. Mayor Howley apologized for the error and will have the website corrected.
Alderman McAvoy moved to close the meeting to the public. Alderman Zimmerman second. Aldermen Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Zimmerman. So approved.
Finding of Fact — Church of the Nazarene
At this time Mayor Howley presented the Finding of Fact for the Church of the Nazarene Resubdivision located at 9309-9313 S. 88th Avenue. Petitioner requested the property be divided from one lot into two. A Zoning Board meeting was conducted on January 18, 2010. The vote to approve this petition was 5 ayes. 0 nays and 2 absent. It was noted that the Council should review paving of the parking lot, screening and lighting and cost sharing for a sidewalk.
Attorney Richard Stelter was present to answer any questions the Council may have this evening. He also addressed the issues that were of some concern. There is a general agreement with the petitioner to follow the recommendations. They had some concern of the timeline of the driveway with the work that will be done on 88th Avenue. The Council agreed that it would work with the purchaser with regard to this timeline. The purchaser has plans to pave the parking lot in the fall. The lighting issue should not burden the surrounding residents. The petitioner agreed to screening for the parking lot and not the entire property line. The Attorney noted it would be a hardship on the buyer. Alderman Szeszycki moved to approve the Finding of Fact for the Church of the Nazarene to subdivide the existing Church property into two separate parcels – one containing the existing church with the parking area and the second, an existing house located at 9309-9313 S. 88th Avenue, Hickory Hills; the petitioner will comply with the recommended improvements as detailed except deferring the parking lot paving to the end of 2010, except the screening to be determined on the sale of the parsonage, except no sidewalk requirement and the driveway determined by the City Engineer. Also must provide water service to Lot 2. Alderman Ferrero second. Aldermen McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Zimmerman, Ferrero aye. So approved.
Alderman Stachnik moved to approve the minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of January 14, 2010 as printed subject to deletions or corrections. Alderman Stachnik second. Correction: Page 2 add Chief Vodicka will investigate options. Aldermen Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Medical Waste Disposal Day
Mayor Howley reported a medical waste disposal day was held at the Community Center on Saturday, January 23rd. He noted despite some problems with publicity, 25 people participated. He also noted Cook County would be willing to have an additional drop off date to coincide with a Senior Meeting. Mayor Howley thanked Sharon Marciano for all of her assistance.
PLOWS Request
Mayor Howley is in receipt of a request from PLOWS Council on Aging to do an eight week Senior Seminar at the Community Center. Consensus of the Council was to grant this request.
Southwest Council of Mayors
Mayor Howley noted he attended a Southwest Council of Mayors meeting in Evergreen Park. There was discussion there on the Stimulus II package. He will keep the Council informed on the project.
Early Voting
Clerk Jackson reported Early Voting ended today.
Census Request
Clerk Jackson noted the Census Bureau is requesting to use space in the City Hall to answer questions regarding the upcoming census. They would be using this area from March 19th through April 19th. t was the Council’s suggestion to use the upstairs foyer for this purpose and the consensus of the Council was to grant this request.
Southwest Council of Mayors
Clerk Jackson reported she has received a letter regarding a Municipal Expo to be held on February 20th.
No report submitted.
Public Hearing — 2010 Cook County Community Block Grant
Attorney Vince Cainkar opened the Public Hearing to have input on the City’s application for the 2010 Cook County Community Development Block Grant. A total of $10,500,000 is anticipated to be available for all of Cook County during the 2010 Program year to help support community development and improvement projects within the County. The eligible activities include housing, residential rehabilitation and house-related activities; economic development activities; commercial rehabilitation, capital improvements, public facilities and improvements, real property acquisition, clearance activities, planning activities and public service activities. Public input is being requested for any suggestions on projects that might be considered eligible. After receiving input from this public hearing, the City will prepare a proposed application which will be available for public inspection. The City will hold another public hearing at which time it will present the proposed application. Attorney Cainkar noted the Public Works Department has recommended 93rd Street from Roberts Road to 82nd Avenue, and the alley off Roberts Road from 93rd Street. No public input at this time. Public Hearing is closed.
Ord. 10-01
Attorney Cainkar presented Ordinance 10-01, an ordinance amending Chapter 34, alcoholic beverages, increasing the number of Class B liquor Licenses. (2 Walgreens). Alderman Moirano moved to approve Ord. 10-01. Alderman McHugh second. Aldermen Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Ord. 10-02
Attorney Cainkar presented Ordinance 10-02, an ordinance Amending Chapter 24, building code, Chapter 25, electrical code, and Chapter 26, plumbing code of the Hickory Hills Municipal Code by changing the inspection fee. ($50.00). Alderman McHugh moved to approve Ordinance 10-02. Alderman Ferrero second. Aldermen Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Mr. Lang presented three Resolutions. Resolution 10-01, a resolution for 76th Avenue FAU 1029 from 95th Street to 103rd Street. This allocates $40,000.00 in MFT funds for street resurfacing.
Resolution 10-02, a resolution allocating $12,000.00 in MFT funds for 95th Street from Kean Avenue to 76th Avenue for construction of sidewalks and miscellaneous appurtenances in 2000. Resolution 10-03, a resolution allocating $50,000.00 for street resurfacing in 1996.
Alderman Moirano moved to approve Resolutions 10-01, 10-02, 10-03. Alderman McAvoy second. Aldermen Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Alderman Zimmerman moved to approve bills payable for the second half of January in the amount of $289,988.63. Alderman Stachnik second. Aldermen Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
No report submitted.
Zimmerman/Public Safety
No report submitted.
Moirano/Public Works
Alderman Moirano reported Public Works has recently discovered a water tampering situation and a violation which carries a $500.00 fine was issued.
Alderman Moirano noted regarding 88th Avenue reconstruction, Public Works recently was in contact with the Cook County Highway Department. At this time they were informed the revised drawings will be sent out this week for the City to review. A utility coordination meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, February 17th. Contract agreement for the City should follow shortly thereafter.
No report submitted.
DeRose/Laws & Ordinances
Alderman DeRose was absent. Mayor Howley presented one business license application for Family Dollar Inc. located at 8649-8651 W. 95th Street. No objections were noted and a business license will be issued.
Stachnik/Health & Environmental Control/Recycling
Alderman Stachnik reported he has received correspondence from the City Attorney regarding health inspections done by Cook County Public Health Department. They are no longer required to complete this inspections and the City will investigate other agencies.
Ferrero/Community Services/Youth Advisory Board
No report submitted.
No report submitted.
Chief Vodicka reminded the Council the Blood Drive will be held on Sunday, January 30th at the Community Center.
Chief Vodicka also reported the Police Department will be participating again this year in the “Polar Plunge”. If anyone is interested in sponsoring this event, you can receive further information from the police website. This benefits the Special Olympics.
Alderman Ferrero moved to adjourn until the next scheduled or specially called meeting. Alderman Moirano second. Aldermen Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.