February 11, 2010 City Council Meeting Minutes
The regular meeting of the Hickory Hills City Council was called to order by Mayor Mike Howley on Thursday, February 11, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.
Mayor Howley led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Upon roll call, the following were present:
- Mayor, M. Howley
- Aldermen:
D. Ferrero
T. McAvoy
M. McHugh
J. Moirano (7:35pm)
J. Stachnik
J. Szeszycki
S. Zimmerman - City Treasurer, D. Schramm
- City Clerk, J. Jackson
- City Attorney, V. Cainkar
- Police Chief, A. Vodicka
- City Engineer, T. Lang
- Public Works Director, L. Boettcher
- Deputy Clerk, D. Catizone
Building Commissioner Gordon Betcher was absent. There being a quorum present, the meeting was called to order.
“Save By The Belt” Award
Chief Vodicka introduced Officer Scott Sodaro to present the following awards. Mrs. Geraldine Rempala was presented with a “Save By The Belt” Award. She was given this award for wearing her seatbelt during a recent accident where she sustained no injuries.
Police Award
Chief Vodicka presented an award to Mr. Jim Kruse for his efforts with the adopt a platoon program. Mr. Kruse has been sending supplies to the troops in Iraq for over two years. Mr. Kruse also received a thank you letter from Lt. Colonel Al Lopez, one of our police officers serving over seas.
Swearing In Ceremony
At this time the Police Commissioners swore in Officer Geoffrey Brueger as a Probationary Police Officer. Mr. Brueger will report to the Police Academy on February 14th.
At this time Father Joseph Mol gave a blessing to Officer Brueger and a short break was taken for refreshments.
Alderman Ferrero moved to open the meeting to the public. Alderman Moirano second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Mrs. Helen Blaszczak
7931 W. 93rd Street
Mrs. Blaszczak thanked the City for taking care of her snow complaint of January 14th. She now has a concern of a wall of snow on 93rd Street to the west of her property. She does not know who is dumping this snow. Chief Vodicka noted there is no ordinance against placing snow on parkways. Chief Vodicka has asked the condo association to place the snow elsewhere. Mayor Howley noted he will see what the City can do to remove this pile of snow.
Mr. Wally Sura
Hickory Hills Kiwanis Member
Kiwanis Request
Mr. Sura is seeking a donation from the City for an ad in the upcoming Kiwanis Showcase of Talent ad book. This event will be held at Stagg High School on February 27th and 28th. Alderman Moirano moved to approve $160.00 for a full page ad. Alderman McAvoy second. Aldermen DeRose, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Ferrero, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Alderman McAvoy moved to close the meeting to the public. Alderman Stachnik second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Zimmerman. So approved.
Alderman McHugh moved to approve the minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of January 28, 2010 as printed subject to deletions or corrections. Alderman Ferrero second. Aldermen Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Zimmerman aye. Alderman DeRose pass. So approved.
St. Patricia Request
Mayor Howley presented a request from St. Patricia to obtain a temporary liquor license to hold a St. Patrick’s Day Party on March 13th from 6:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Alderman Moirano moved to approve this request for a liquor license with fees waived. Alderman Stachnik second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, McAvoy, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Mayor Howley presented a proclamation which designates February as Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month.
Municipal Expo
Mayor Howley reminded the Council the Southwest Conference of Mayors will host a Municipal Expo on Saturday, February 20th at Silver Lake Country Club.
Southwest Council of Mayors
Mayor Howley noted he attended a Southwest Council of Mayors meeting in Evergreen Park. There was discussion at this meeting on the Stimulus II package. He will keep the Council informed on the project.
Special Olympics Request
Clerk Jackson is in receipt of a request from the Special Olympics for a special donation of $16.29. Consensus of the Council was to grant this request.
Blood Drive
Clerk Jackson congratulated Alicia and Al Vodicka for their efforts on the Blood Drive that brought in over 100 donors.
Clerk’s Meeting
Clerk Jackson reported she recently attended the monthly Clerk’s meeting in Tinley Park. She noted Tinley Park is breaking ground on a 60,000 square feet expansion of their convention center. It was a very interesting presentation.
Treasurer Schramm presented the Treasurer’s Report for December 31, 2009 and January 30, 2010. Alderman Stachnik moved to approve Treasurer’s Reports for December 31, 2009 and January 30, 2010.
Alderman Szeszycki second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, McAvoy, Stachnik, Moirano, Szeszycki, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Treasurer Schramm reported he will have a budget report under new business.
Public Hearing Minutes 2010 Cook County Community Block Grant
The Public Hearing of the City of Hickory Hills was called to order at City Hall, 8652 W. 95th Street, Hickory Hills, Illinois at the hour of 8:12 p.m. by Mayor Michael Howley. The legal notice of the Public Hearing was posted in the Clerk’s Office and published in the Hickory Hills Citizen on January 21, 2010.
City Attorney, Vincent Cainkar, explained that an application has been prepared for a grant request of $60,000.00 for the resurfacing of 93rd Street from 82nd Avenue on the west to Roberts Road on the east and the north/south alley lying between 80th Court and Roberts Road from 93rd Street on the north to the east/west alley north of 95th Street. The total project cost is $124,340.00. The project would be constructed in census tract 8237.05, block group 4, which has 53% low/moderate income persons.
Attorney Cainkar asked if there were any questions or alternate suggestions with respect to the application. No comments were received. The application will be presented for approval of the City Council for submission to Cook County by the February 18, 2010 deadline.
The Public Hearing was adjourned at 8:14 p.m.
Res. 10-04
Attorney Cainkar presented Resolution 10-04, a resolution approving a grant application for the 2010 Cook County Community Development Block Grant Program. Alderman McHugh moved to approve Res. 10-04. Alderman Moirano second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Ord. 10-03
Attorney Cainkar presented Ordinance 10-03, an ordinance Amending Section 6.10, water rates, of Chapter 6, water service, of the Hickory Hills Municipal Code by changing water rates.
Alderman Moirano moved to approve Ordinance 10-03. Alderman Szeszycki second. Alderman McAvoy noted he agrees in principle to the $3.00 line charge but continues to question including depreciation as an expense as it is not a cash expense. He is concerned during these difficult economic times with timing of this increase to our residents. He also passed out nine resumes of residents who are seeking jobs. He believes the $3.00 line charge can be postponed and could be addressed next year. Alderman Szeszycki stated he started this process a few years ago and he feels this ordinance is a start. Treasurer Schramm noted we have built up our capital funds for years because our sewer system is over 30 years old and it doesn’t take much to use these funds. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, Moirano, Szeszycki, Zimmerman aye. So approved. Alderman McAvoy and Alderman Stachnik nay. So approved.
Ord. 10-04
Attorney Cainkar presented Ordinance 10-04, an ordinance amending Section 7.09, basis for wastewater service charges, of Chapter 7, sanitary sewer service, of the Hickory Hills Municipal Code by changing sanitary sewer rates. This ordinance would increase the basic user charge to $4.00 per month plus 0.82 per thousand gallons. Alderman Szeszycki moved to approve Ordinance 10-04. Alderman Zimmerman second. Aldermen DeRose, Moirano, Szeszycki, Zimmerman aye. Aldermen McAvoy, McHugh, Ferrero, Stachnik, Mayor Howley nay. Motion Failed.
Ord. 10-05
Attorney Cainkar presented Ordinance 10-05, an ordinance approving the Church of the Nazarene subdivision for the property located at 9309-9313 South 88th Avenue, Hickory Hills, Illinois. Alderman Ferrero moved to approve Ordinance 10-05. Alderman Szeszycki second.
Aldermen DeRose, McAvoy, McHugh, Ferrero, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Zimmerman aye. Motion approved.
No report submitted.
Alderman Stachnik moved to approve bills payable for the first half of February in the amount of $282,916.76. Alderman McHugh second.
Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
No report submitted.
Zimmerman/Public Safety
No report submitted.
Moirano/Public Works
Alderman Moirano reported Public Works has received drawings for 88th Avenue reconstruction from the Cook County Highway Department. Because of the delay in releasing the drawings, the scheduled utility coordination meeting has been moved back one week in February. The City will have numerous challenges with this project. Over a thousand feet of the City 8 inch water line will be jeopardized because of the proximity to the deep new storm sewer, but homeowners on 88th Avenue from 92nd Street to 91st Place will have flood relief.
Alderman Moirano noted the thirty hours record snow storm we just experienced has placed a burden on the City’s salt supply. Currently, Public Works estimates we have approximately 150 tons of stockpiled salt remaining which should be sufficient for two small short duration storms. The City may wish to order another 100 tons of salt.
Consensus of the Council was to order 100 tons of salt at $74.00 per ton.
Alderman Moirano congratulated the Public Works Department on the plowing during the recent snow storm.
No report submitted.
DeRose/Laws & Ordinances
Alderman DeRose is in receipt of a request from Clovers Garden to open their garden center from April 1st to August 1st. No objections were noted.
Stachnik/Health & Environmental Control/Recycling
Alderman Stachnik reported a new law has been passed to remove lead base paint which must follow essential steps. If you would like more information, please call the Cook County Public Health Department Lead Poisoning at (708) 492-2076.
Alderman Stachnik noted the City has received a check for recycling in the amount of $1,037.65 from Land and Lakes. This covers the months of October, November and December 2009.
Ferrero/Community Services/Youth Advisory Board
No report submitted.
Alderman McAvoy reported the Chamber will hold a special networking breakfast on February 25th at KoKo’s. The purpose of this breakfast is to promote business and build business relationships in our community.
Alderman McHugh reported they have filled some vacancies at Parkview but still have a few open apartments. If anyone is interested, please contact the Community Center at 237-4150.
Mayor Howley noted along with the liquor license for the St. Patrick’s Day Party, St. Patricia would also like to place signs up for this event. No objections were noted.
Alderman Moirano reported for any residents who might be collecting unemployment currently, the government has a $2400.00 deduction off your gross income. You can get further information by contacting the IRS.
Treasurer Schramm would like to hold a special budget meeting for elected officials to discuss revenues. After some discussion it was decided the committee meeting will hold this special budget meeting at 6:00 p.m. February 25th.
Alderman Ferrero moved to adjourn until the next scheduled or specially called meeting. Alderman Moirano second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.