July 8, 2010 City Council Meeting Minutes
The regular meeting of the Hickory Hills City Council was called to order by Mayor Mike Howley on Thursday, July 8, 2010 at 7:34 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.
Mayor Howley led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Upon roll call, the following were present:
- Mayor, M. Howley
- Aldermen:
L. DeRose
D. Ferrero
M. McHugh
J. Moirano
J. Stachnik
J. Szeszycki - City Treasurer, D. Schramm
- City Clerk, J. Jackson
- City Attorney, V. Cainkar
- Deputy Police Chief, M. Murphy
- City Engineer, T. Lang
- Public Works Director, L. Boettcher
- Building Commissioner, G. Betcher
- Deputy Clerk, D. Catizone
Alderman McAvoy, Alderman Zimmerman, and Chief Al Vodicka were absent. There being a quorum present, the meeting was called to order.
Alderman Stachnik moved to open the meeting to the public. Alderman Moirano second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki, aye. So approved.
No one spoke during this portion of the meeting.
Alderman Stachnik moved to close the meeting to the public. Alderman Szeszycki second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki aye. So approved.
Alderman Moirano moved to approve the minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of June 24, 2010 as printed subject to deletions or corrections. Alderman Szeszycki second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki aye. So approved.
At this time, Mayor Howley asked to reopen the meeting to the public due to a resident wanting to speak. Alderman McHugh moved to open the meeting to the public. Alderman Moirano second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki aye. So approved.
Ms. Lois Lang
7804 W. 89th Place
Ms. Lang currently lives in the Parkview Apartments. She voiced her concerns on the way her apartment repairs are being handled. She also felt her carpeting needed to be replaced. Mayor Howley explained there is a policy in place that carpeting is replaced when a new tenant moves in.
Alderman Szeszycki moved to close the meeting to the public. Alderman Moirano second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki aye. So approved.
Res. 10-11
Mayor Howley presented Resolution 10-11, a resolution supporting the installation of Blue Hospitality Logo Signs along the entire Illinois State Toll Highway Authority System. Alderman McHugh moved to approve Res. 10-11. Alderman Moirano second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki aye. So approved.
Troop Boxing
Mayor Howley noted Jim Kruse will be holding a boxing up for the Adopt a Troop Program on July 20th at the Community Center.
IDOT Meeting
Mayor Howley reported he will be attending a meeting with IDOT regarding the left turn lane on 76th Avenue.
Family Dollar Grand Opening
Mayor Howley stated he attended the grand opening of the Family Dollar Store on Saturday. He thanked Aldermen Ferrero and McAvoy for attending this opening.
Mayor Howley congratulated Deputy Clerk Dee Catizone on the arrival of her first grandchild; Grant Nicholas Catizone was born on Tuesday, July 6th.
Clerk Jackson reported she is in receipt of two block party requests. First, on August 7th from 2:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. on Sycamore between Oakwood and Maple. Second, is Saturday, August 14th at 78th Avenue on 90th Place. The time is 2:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. No objections were noted.
Clerk Jackson noted she is in receipt of a letter from the City Attorney regarding the identity protection act which became effective July 1, 2010. A policy must be in place within 12 months of the passage of the act. She will make copies of this information and give to the Council.
Clerk Jackson reported she will not be at the next meeting. She will be attending her granddaughter’s wedding in Virginia.
No report submitted.
Ord. 10-14
Attorney Vince Cainkar presented Ordinance 10-14, an ordinance providing for the acquisition of the property located at 8701 South Kean Avenue in the City of Hickory Hills, Illinois. Alderman Moirano moved to approve Ordinance 10-14. Alderman Stachnik second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki aye. So approved.
91ST Street Lighting
Mr. Lang reported bids were opened on Wednesday, June 23rd for the 91st Street Lighting program. The following is a list of these bids:
Bodine Electric — $381,886.89
City Lights Ltd. — $293.280.10
Elmund & Nelson Co. — $313,729.00
H&H Electric — $305,238.00
Hecker & Company — $327,838.00
J.F. Edwards Const. — $341,353.21
John Burns Const. Co. — $326,382.90
Lyons & Pinner Electric Co. — $367,800.00
Meade Electric — $359,003.00
Thorne Electric — $316,000.25
Utility Dynamics Corp. — $320,838.00
Western Utility Contractors — $365,566.20
Mr. Lang recommended awarding the contract to City Lights Ltd. Alderman Moirano moved to award the 91st Street Lighting Project to City Lights Ltd. In the amount of $293,280.10. Alderman Ferrero second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki aye. So approved.
Fiala Paving Invoice #3010102
Mr. Lang presented Invoice #3010102 from James D. Fiala Paving Company for work done on street resurfacing in the amount of $208,303.31 (MFT 09-00060-00-RS, ERP Job No.: C/D-91-121-10 pay estimate #2 partial). Alderman Moirano moved to pay Invoice #3010102 in the amount of $208,303.31. Alderman Stachnik second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki aye. So approved.
MFT Res. 10-12
MFT Res. 10-13
Mr. Lang presented two MFT Resolutions. First, MFT Resolution 10-12, a resolution to enhance 95th Street in the amount of $60,000.00. Second, MFT Resolution 10-13, a resolution for work done on 91st Street in the amount of $50,000.00. Alderman Moirano moved to approve Res. 10-12 and Res. 10-13. Alderman McHugh second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki aye. So approved.
Alderman McHugh moved to approve bills payable for the first half of July in the amount of $372,817.58. Alderman Stachnik second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki aye. So approved.
No report submitted.
Zimmerman/Public Safety
No report submitted.
Moirano/Public Works
Alderman Moirano reported Mr. Gene Kasper will be retiring from Public Works on August 1, 2010. Public Works has conducted interviews and have selected Mr. Dale Christenson to fill the position as mechanic. He will start in mid July.
Identification of City Vehicles
Alderman Moirano suggested all City vehicles have
some identification of what department they are representing. He would like to have all City vehicles identified except for police undercover vehicles. Consensus of the Council was to approve this recommendation.
Cracco Reimbursement
Alderman Moirano moved to approve the reimbursement to the Cracco Family in the amount of $2,000.00 per a prior agreement for construction of a retaining wall. Alderman DeRose second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki aye. So approved.
Alderman McHugh thanked all who helped at the Street Fair Beer Garden.
DeRose/Laws & Ordinances
Alderman DeRose reported he is in receipt of three business license applications for: 1) U.S. Technology Center located at 9525 S. 79th Ave., Suite 16. This is a location for translation of documents and filing of immigration forms. They will have two to four employees. 2) Real Z Deal Clothing Store located at 8829 W. 87th Street. This is a new clothing store with 2 employees. 3) Overseas Distributers, Inc. located at 8855 S. Roberts Road. This would be a Midwest sales office for chain link fences. No objections were noted.
Stachnik/Health & Environmental Control/Recycling
Alderman Stachnik reported that the Street Fair was a success with regard to the Health Inspections.
Ferrero/Community Services/Youth Advisory Board
Alderman Ferrero thanked everyone who helped out at the Street Fair. She noted three new vendors called and said they thought the fair was great. She also noted that Saturday night was a huge success.
Mayor Howley thanked the Council for all of their hard work during the Street Fair. Treasurer Schramm noted the raffle brought in $716.00 bringing the discretionary fund to approximately $1,300.00.
Alderman McAvoy was absent. No report submitted.
Alderman Szeszycki asked what the City is doing with the clothing boxes that have appeared around the City. After some discussion, Mayor Howley recommended an ordinance should be drawn up for review.
Alderman Szeszycki noted the weeds along the sidewalk by the 95th Street Forest Preserve needs to be cut back. Mr. Boettcher noted Public Works will do this work.
Alderman McHugh asked when the 94th Street Sewer project will be completed. Mr. Lang noted that heavy equipment operators employed by the company have gone on strike and when they do come back it should be approximately two weeks to complete.
The Council wished Clerk Joann Jackson a very Happy Birthday.
Alderman Ferrero moved to adjourn until the next scheduled or specially called meeting. Alderman Moirano second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, Moirano, Stachnik, Szeszycki aye. So approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.