July 11, 2011 Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals Journal of Proceedings
July 11, 2011
The Public Hearing of the Hickory Hills Plan Commission/Zoning
Board of Appeals seated as a Plan Commission was called to order by Acting Chairman Guest on Monday, July 11, 2011 at 7:35 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.
Upon roll call, the following were present:
- Acting Chairman, J. Guest
- Secretary, S. Imam
- Members:
B. McLaughlin
S. Gallagher
T. Blunk
G. Young - Recording Secretary, C. Doherty
Mr. Ernst was absent. There being a quorum present, the meeting was called to order.
Mr. Guest stated the purpose of this meeting is to consider a request from O’Reilly Automotive Stores, Inc. for resubdividing an existing lot with a request for a rear and side yard variation to develop the property with a new auto parts store on the following described property: 8715 W. 95th Street, Hickory Hills, Illinois 60457. Presently this property is zoned C3.
At this time Acting Chairman Guest swore in the witness, O’Reilly’s Regional Manager, Mr. Aarin Centner.
Mr. Centner stated that the Petitioner, O’Reilly Automotive Stores, is requesting a resubdivision of the property that was the former McDonald’s Restaurant. This property was never recorded as resubdivided with the Cook County Recorder’s Office. They are also requesting two variances: a 15’ rear yard variance and a 10’ side yard variance. O’Reilly stores service two types of customers – retail walk-ins and those that require O’Reilly service people to deliver and repair at the customer’s location. These delivery vehicles which are usually Ford Rangers or Transit Connects are basically small trucks. They are always backed into the parking stalls and parked in front of the stores. These would require a wide drive aisle and parking stall for ease of parking and safety.
Mr. Centner stated that the entire building would be surrounded by asphalt with no sidewalks. Ms. Gallagher questioned the safety of having the building with a 15’ rear setback so close to the retaining wall. Mr. McLaughlin stated that this is an engineering problem which he feels confident will be handled.
Mr. Blunk stated he would like to see at least 3 feet of river rock out front and two trees, one on the front west side and one on the front east side, with an irrigation system put in especially if sod was to be planted. Since this property is so close to the street, the City would like to have it properly landscaped and maintained. Mr. Centner stated that any landscaping is the responsibility of the store manager but he will note the request for these trees and the irrigation system.
Ms. Gallagher questioned Mr. Centner regarding O’Reilly’s signage. It was noted that any signs would have to meet the requirements of our ordinance. Mr. Blunk suggested that O’Reilly’s should contact Public Works Director Larry Boettcher regarding the type and size of trees that the City would prefer in this location.
Mr. Guest read all the reports from the reviewers and those comments are attached.
Mr. Guest opened the meeting to the public. No one spoke at this time.
Mr. Guest closed the meeting to the public. Mr. Guest called the meeting back to order.
A 20 minute recess was taken at this time.
Mr. Guest called the meeting back to order.
Mr. Centner stated that he does not have enough information to answer the questions raised within the letters of the commentors. Mr. Blunk stated that the questions raised are fairly common and the architects and engineers should be able to handle them. He also stated an automatic call system to the Fire Department is required along with a sprinkler system.
Mr. Imam moved to grant the request of the Petitioner, O’Reilly Automotive Stores, Inc. for resubdivision with variations at 8715 W. 95th Street in Hickory Hills, IL 60457. The Petitioner has applied for a rear yard and side yard variation in order to construct a new auto part store on the former location of the McDonald’s Restaurant. The existing lot is C-3 Highway Commercial. The lot area of 10,000 sq. feet and dimensions of 80’ x 100’ meets the requirements. The Petitioner’s request of 15’ rear yard variance and 10’ side yard variance would result in a 10’ rear yard setback and approximately 5’ east side yard setback. Two trees and an irrigation system are requested. One of the two trees will be left to the discretion of the Building Commissioner.
Finally, the Petitioner is to comply with the requirements of all the reviewers. Ms. Gallagher second.
Roll call on motion to grant request of Petitioner: Mr. Blunk, Mr. Imam, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Young, Ms. Gallagher, Mr. Guest aye. So approved. Therefore, the recommendation is to approve.
Mr. Guest noted this would appear on the July 14, 2011 City Council Agenda.
Mr. Young moved to adjourn this hearing until the next scheduled hearing. Ms. Gallagher second. Vote unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.