March 21, 2012 Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals Journal of Proceedings
March 21, 2012
The Public Meeting of the Hickory Hills Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals seated as a Plan Commission was called to order by Chairman Ernst on Wednesday, March 21, 2012 at 7:33 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.
Upon roll call, the following were present:
- Chairman, E. Ernst
- Secretary, S. Imam
- Members:
B. McLaughlin
S. Gallagher
T. Blunk
G. Young
J. Guest - Recording Secretary, C. Doherty
There being a quorum present, the meeting was called to order.
Mr. Ernst stated the purpose of this meeting is to consider a request from Paul A. Trotto of Park Hill Development, Inc. to resubdivide existing Lots 12 and 13 in Park Hill Estates Subdivision into 5 lots.
The common addresses of the property are 9022 & 9024 Park Hill Court, Hickory Hills, Illinois 60457.
At this time Chairman Ernst swore in the witnesses. He then read a history of the previous public hearings regarding Park Hill Estates along with the variations that were already granted.
In attendance were Mr. Paul Trotto of Park Hill Development and Mr. Stephen Trotto. Paul Trotto stated his original plans for this subdivision included these 2 large lots with approximately one-half acre each. Due to the economic times, it has become impossible to sell these because of the real estate taxes. Lots 12 and 13 divided would make these five lots about the same size as the existing ones. After questioning prospective buyers, Mr. Trotto determined that these smaller sized lots would have more appeal. His main objective is to finish this development, pave the streets and install the street lights.
Three of these new lots would face 88th Avenue with a possible “hammerhead” driveway to allow for safer entry and exit. Two would face the inside cul-de-sac. Mr. Trotto stated that the proposed interest in these lots has already generated two sale contracts with a contingency on resubdividing. He also informed the Board that drainage issues have been improved by working with the school district as their building addition was completed.
Extensive discussion took place between the Commission members on the re-engineering that would be necessary, the sewer drainage and water line installations, utilities, Cook County’s involvement and permission for driveways directly out to 88th Avenue, the cell tower ingress and egress and the overall aesthetics of these 5 new lots.
Mr. Trotto addressed the questions raised from the Commissioners and stated that all the concerns would be considered. The Petitioner feels this resubdivision will only improve the area’s appearance.
Mr. Ernst read all the reports from the reviewers and those comments are attached.
A 5 minute recess was taken at this time.
Mr. Ernst called the meeting back to order.
Mr. Ernst opened the meeting to the public.
Mr. Michael Mathews
9027 Park Hill Court
Mr. Mathews stated that his concern is the redevelopment of these two lots might cause more drainage onto his property as his sump pump runs constantly even on dry days.
Mr. Neelkanth Upadhyaya
8790 Park Hill Court
Mr. Upadhyaya stated that when he purchased his home, the plan was for 17 houses in the subdivision. He has now learned that there will be more built. He is concerned that the property directly behind him will be cleared of all trees and shrubbery. He questions if a like amount of trees will be planted to replace what was removed.
He also questioned if Mr. Trotto will make repairs on these new homes since he is still waiting for work to do done on his home.
Mr. Ernst closed the meeting to the public.
Mr. Ernst called the meeting back to order.
Mr. Trotto stated that Mr. Mathews’ property is lower than the properties directly behind him. He is probably getting their runoff water. Mr. Ernst suggested that Mr. Mathews should contact our Public Works or Building Department and they might suggest solutions to his drainage problems.
In answer to Mr. Upadhyaya’s concerns, Mr. Trotto stated that they will remove the scrub trees and keep as many good ones as possible. Once building is complete, he will landscape and sod the properties.
Mr. Syed suggested landscaping improvements should be made at the cell tower.
A 15 minute recess was taken at this time.
Mr. Ernst called the meeting back to order.
Mr. Blunk suggested the Petitioner go to Cook County with two different proposals. One would be to cut a small inside access road which would be a safer alternative for entrance and exit from this subdivision rather than the proposed driveways. He also suggested eliminating all the trees and planting new ones. Mr. Ernst stated that these type of suggestions are not under the Zoning Board’s jurisdiction but between the Petitioner and Cook County.
Mr. Imam moved to grant the request of the Petitioner, Paul A. Trotto of Park Hill Development, Inc., to resubdivide existing Lots 12 and 13 in Park Hill Estates Subdivision into 5 lots. The common addresses of the properties are 9022 and 9024 Park Hill Court, Hickory Hills, IL 60457.
R-4 zoning requirements of a lot area of 6,600 sq. ft. with minimum dimensions of 60’ x 100’ are met. Also, front yard setbacks of 30’ and rear yard setbacks of 20’ are met. Plans for Lot 5 are to be revised and show a 100 foot depth for both sides not 99.32 ft. and 99.34 ft., respectively. The Petitioner is to provide for easement right issue for utility tower access road.
Finally, the Petitioner is to comply with the requirements of all the reviewers. Mr. McLaughlin second.
Roll call on motion to grant request of Petitioners: Mr. Ernst, Mr. Imam, Mr. McLaughlin, Ms. Gallagher, Mr. Young, Mr. Blunk, Mr. Guest aye. So approved. Therefore, this request is approved for recommendation to the City Council.
Mr. Ernst noted this would appear on the April 12, 2012 City Council Agenda or be extended per Petitioner’s request.
Ms. Gallagher moved to adjourn this hearing until the next scheduled hearing. Mr. Guest second. Vote unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.