April 26, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes
The regular meeting of the Hickory Hills City Council was called to order by Mayor Mike Howley on Thursday, April 26, 2012 at 7:45 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.
Mayor Howley led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Upon roll call, the following were present:
- Mayor, M. Howley
- Aldermen:
L. DeRose
D. Ferrero
T. McAvoy
M. McHugh
J. Stachnik
J. Szeszycki
B. Waight
S. Zimmerman - City Clerk, D. Catizone
- City Treasurer, D. Schramm
- City Attorney, V. Cainkar
- Police Chief, A. Vodicka
- City Engineer, T. Lang
- Public Works Director, L. Boettcher
- Building Commissioner, J. Moirano
There being a quorum present, the meeting was called to order.
Alderman Szeszycki moved to open the meeting to the public. Alderman Ferrero second. Roll call: Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Waight, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
No one spoke during this portion of the meeting.
Alderman McAvoy moved to close the meeting to the public. Alderman McHugh second. Roll call: Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Waight, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Alderman McHugh moved to approve the minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of April 12, 2012 as printed subject to deletions or corrections. Alderman Waight second. Roll call: Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Waight, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Mayor Howley turned the topic of e-recycling to Alderman DeRose. Alderman DeRose reported he has talked with Barney Boss and they have come up with some ideas for the e-recycling container at City Hall. He noted the City Hall people will open and close this container. It was suggested to have this open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. After some discussion, it was decided to add a Saturday and change the days to Tuesday and Thursday with placement of the trailer still undecided, but would like to start this program after Arbor Day.
Motorcycle Month
Mayor Howley read a proclamation that acknowledges May as Motorcycle Awareness Month in Hickory Hills.
Senior Meeting
Mayor Howley thanked Chief Vodicka for attending the Senior Meeting on Wednesday and answering all their questions regarding the recent burglaries.
Clerk Catizone reported this past week the City Hall stairway and upstairs foyer were painted. She will have some artwork of students of School District 117 displayed soon.
Clerk Catizone distributed a memo from the IML who is partnering with the Illinois Assoc. of Park Districts and the Illinois Community College Trustee Assoc. to bring a series of Good Governance Workshops. Registration information was included in this memo.
Clerk Catizone remind the Council that all members of public bodies must complete the Open Meeting Act On-Line Training on or before January 1, 2013.
No report submitted.
Ord. 12-6
Attorney Cainkar presented Ordinance 12-6, an ordinance authorizing the execution of an intergovernmental agreement with the Illinois Office of the Comptroller regarding access to the Comptroller’s Local Debit Recovery Program. This would allow the City to obtain payment that is owed to the City. Alderman McHugh moved to approve Ordinance 12-6. Alderman Ferrero second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Waight, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Child-Care Facility
Attorney Cainkar reported a question was asked regarding a child care facility in the City. He noted the City does not have any power to control zoning on a child care facility. Attorney Cainkar would check on the parking requirements of such a facility.
Alderman McAvoy inquired as to the status of the parking enforcements that were recommended by Chief Vodicka. Attorney Cainkar stated he was looking for two documents and will check on this matter.
Mr. Lang report a bid opening took place on April 24, 2012 for the 2012 miscellaneous street resurfacing (MFT 12-00000-01-GM) contract and the bills were as follows:
As Read Corrected Total
Crowley-Sheppard Asphalt | $378,185.10 |
Central Blacktop Co. | $378,895.64 |
Gallagher Asphalt | $384,290.59 |
Brothers Asphalt Paving | $405,750.80 |
James D. Fiala Paving Co. | $410,261.59 |
K-Five Construction Co. | $421,955.54 |
Mr. Lang recommends award of the contract to Crowley-Sheppard Asphalt for the bid amount of $378,185.10. Alderman McHugh moved to award the contract to Crowley-Sheppard in the amount of $378,185.10. Alderman Waight second. Roll Call: Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Waight, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Alderman McHugh moved to approve the bills payable for the second half of April 2012 in the amount of $194,894.88. Alderman Ferrero second. Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Waight, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
No report submitted.
Stachnik/Public Safety
Alderman Stachnik reported he is in receipt of a memo regarding Chief Vodicka’s merit pay and this matter will be reviewed at a later meeting.
Chief Vodicka reported he attended the Senior meeting yesterday and provided them with a “Senior Safe Adult Safety and Crime Prevention” brochure. He also noted the seniors could ask for a safety assessment of their homes and the Police Department would make those appointments.
Zimmerman/Public Works
Mr. Boettcher reported a meeting was held last week regarding the 88th Avenue reconstruction program. In Palos Hills, main drain installation and pavement excavation with undercut have started. In Hickory Hills at 9000 (Krueger Park Drain), corragated metal pipe below 88th Avenue must be removed and replaced with concrete pipe. Utility conflict and County design changes have started to affect the construction process in Palos Hills.
No report submitted.
Waight/Laws & Ordinances
Alderman Waight is in receipt of two business certificate applications: 1) Epic Home Care located at 7667 W. 95th Street. This would be an office that handles home health care. 2) NB Trading Company located at 9903 S. 78th Avenue. This is a warehouse in the industrial area. No objections were noted.
DeRose/Health & Environmental Control/Recycling
Alderman DeRose had no additional report other than the e-recycling he mentioned earlier in the meeting.
Ferrero/Community Services/Youth Advisory Board
Alderman Ferrero reported the Street Fair has 43 crafters and 7 food vendors as of today.
Alderman Ferrero noted everything is ready for the Arbor Day Tree Sale.
Alderman McAvoy distributed a flyer for the upcoming Chamber events. On May 16th a Bunco night will be held at the Sabre Room at 6:00 p.m. For more information you can call Donna at 708-364-7739.
Alderman McHugh noted he has been asked about video gaming. Mayor Howley stated we have not opted out of this program.
Alderman McHugh inquired on the cement at the Community Center that needs repair. Mr. Boettcher mentioned he does have a plan for that area.
Alderman DeRose stated that he was under the impression the part time Building Commissioner position was to go from salary to hourly with the new budget. Alderman McHugh noted he has distributed a memo regarding this position. Mayor Howley stated that it was his understanding that the City has no problem with the position being salary and this would be further discussed during budget meetings. Treasurer Schramm distributed his memo detailing the Building Commissioner compensation package. Alderman McHugh recommended tabling this item until the yearly appointments are made as well as discussion at budget time.
Public Works Proposed Capital Project Budget
At this time, Larry Boettcher, Public Works Director reviewed his Capital Project Budget Worksheet.
He stated it is broken down into Street- General Fund, Roadways General Fund, Water Enterprise and Sanitary Enterprise Funds. He provided costs when available or bid amounts. Some projects were covered by grant funds. He noted these are general numbers. He would like the Council to review these numbers.
Alderman Ferrero moved to adjourn until the next regularly scheduled or specially called meeting. Alderman
Waight second. Roll call: Aldermen DeRose, Ferrero, McHugh, McAvoy, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Waight, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.