May 16, 2010 Plan Commission Meeting Minutes
he business meeting of the Hickory Hills Plan Commission was called to order by Chairman Ernst on Monday, May 16, 2011 at 8:21 P.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers.
Upon roll call, the following were present:
- Chairman, E. Ernst
- Secretary, S. Imam
- Members:
S. Gallagher
G. Young
J. Guest - Recording Secretary, C. Doherty
Mr. McLaughlin and Mr. Blunk were absent. There being a quorum present, the meeting was called to order.
Mr. Ernst stated the purpose of this meeting is to approve the minutes from the various meetings held by the Plan Commission/ZBA.
Business Meeting
October 20, 2008
Mr. Ernst moved to approve the minutes of the October 20, 2008 business meeting. Ms. Gallagher second. Mr. Ernst, Mr. Imam, Mr. Young, Ms. Gallagher, Mr. Guest aye. So approved.
McDonald’s Corp.
Variations Request
Mr. Guest moved to approve the minutes of the April 20, 2009 hearing for the purpose of constructing a drive-thru restaurant with a request for (1) Special Use as a Planned Commercial Development Group (Sub-Areas 1 and 2); (2) Variation from Sec. 4.11(b)(12) to locate parking within 2’ of the property lot line (Sub-Areas 1 and 2); (3) Variation from Sec. 4.11(c) a reduction of required parking from 38 spaces to 27 spaces (Sub-Area 2); (4) Variation from Sec. 4.13 (b)(2) to locate parking within 10’ of a residential garage (Sub-Area 2); (5) Variation from Section 6.042 to allow installation of a 92’ high pylon sign (Sub-Area 1). The variation requests to the City’s Sign Ordinance are a matter that will be considered by the City Council. Mr. Imam second. Mr. Ernst, Mr. Imam, Mr. Young, Ms. Gallagher, Mr. Guest aye. So approved.
Prime Time Restaurant
Variations Request
Ms. Gallagher moved to approve the minutes of the May 11, 2009 hearing to consider a request by George Les for a variation to R3 zoning to allow a special use to provide auxiliary parking for restaurants at 7754 W. 95th Street (Prime Time Restaurant & Bar) and 7730 W. 95th Street (Les Brothers Family Restaurant) with variance for parking stall depth from 19 feet to 17.5 feet, aisle width from 17 feet to 16 feet and reduction of required parking stalls from 92 to 85. The existing restaurant at 7730 W. 95th Street will be remodeled and remain in place. Mr. Guest second. Mr. Ernst, Mr. Imam, Mr. Young, Ms. Gallagher, Mr. Guest aye. So approved.
Church of the Nazarene
Mr. Guest moved to approve the minutes of the January 18, 2010 meeting to consider a request from the Chicago Central District Church of the Nazarene to subdivide the existing church property into two separate parcels, one containing the existing church with parking area and the second containing an existing house. Mr. Imam second. Mr. Ernst, Mr. Imam, Mr. Young, Mr. Guest aye. Ms. Gallagher abstained. So approved.
Mr. Ernst stated that the application fees submitted with each hearing/meeting request are routine costs per ordinance with no refunds given for the balance. The Petitioner is billed for any additional costs incurred with the hearing/meeting.
If the Board is still interested in working with surrounding communities’ zoning/planning boards, Ms. Gallagher will pursue this possibly for next spring.
Various discussion was had on the C-Map classes attended by Board members Mr. Ernst, Mr. Guest, Mr. Imam and Mr. Young. Mr. Ernst had suggested looking into having a speaker from C-Map come to Hickory Hills in the near future and extending an invitation to the surrounding communities for a seminar.
The Master Plan
The Board feels research into the definition of our “Master Plan” for Hickory Hills is necessary. This might be included in a future seminar.
Ms. Gallagher moved to adjourn this meeting until the next scheduled business meeting. Mr. Young second. Vote unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.