February 12, 2015 City Council Meeting Minutes

February 12, 2015 City Council Meeting Minutes


The regular meeting of the Hickory Hills City Council was called to order by Mayor Mike Howley on Thursday, February 12, 2015, at 7:32 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.


Mayor Howley led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Upon roll call, the following were present:

  • Mayor, M. Howley

  • Aldermen, D. Ferrero
    B. Fonte
    T. McAvoy
    M. McHugh
    J. Stachnik
    J. Szeszycki
    B. Waight
  • City Clerk, D. Catizone
  • City Attorney, J. Cainkar
  • City Treasurer, D. Schramm
  • City Engineer, M. Spolar
  • Police Chief, A. Vodicka
  • Public Works Director, L. Boettcher
  • Building Commissioner, J. Moirano

Alderman Zimmerman was absent. There being a quorum present, the meeting was called to order.

Junior Girl Scout Troop #50674 was recognized at this time. This troop recently earned the Bronze Award, which is the highest award a Junior Girl Scout can achieve. Mayor Howley presented the scouts with a city pin. Present were Troop Leaders, Shari Schmidt and Kim DuMoulin, along with scout members, Sarah DuMoulin, Abby Schmidt, Alli Schmidt and Kathryn DuMoulin. (Not present was Juliana Puente).


Alderman McHugh moved to open the meeting to the public. Alderman Stachnik second. Roll call: Aldermen Ferrero, Fonte, McAvoy, McHugh, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Waight aye. So approved.

Cesar Romero
8901 S. 83rd Court

Mr. Romero is present to ask the Council what is taking place with the flooding problem in his area. City Engineer, Mike Spolar, stated they are evaluating the data that they have collected over the last few weeks before the cold weather froze the ground. Mr. Spolar stated some of the pipes are flat in this area. He will present his findings to the Council for discussion.

Dolores Conoboy
8907 S. 83rd Court

Mrs. Conoboy asked for further explanation of what the Council was considering for flooding relief in her area. Mr. Spolar stated one of the improvements would be to construct a new sewer that would flow north on 85th Court to 87th Place and then east to 85th Avenue. Additional drainage structures would be provided at Hillside/Lynwood and Orchard/Hillside. Mr. Spolar stated they are still evaluating their findings.

Mrs. Kim DuMoulin
8925 Oakwood Drive

Mrs. DuMoulin expressed her concerns with sidewalks that are not shoveled. She asked if the City has resources to help out with this. Her other concern is the residents who are plowing their snow into the streets. Mayor Howley stated the neighborly thing to do is shovel sidewalks. Chief Vodicka noted she can notify the Police with residents who are snow blowing into the streets. Mayor Howley said the City does not have the resources to shovel sidewalks.


Alderman Szeszycki moved to close the meeting to the public. Alderman McAvoy second. Roll call: Aldermen Ferrero, Fonte, McHugh, McAvoy, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Waight aye. So approved.


Alderman Szeszycki moved to approve the minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of January 22, 2015 as printed subject to deletions or corrections. Alderman Waight second. Roll call: Aldermen Ferrero, Fonte, McHugh, McAvoy, Szeszycki, Waight aye.
Alderman Stachnik pass. So approved.



Waste Management – Mayor Howley reported the City is in receipt of a letter from Waste Management outlining the new Solid Waste & Recycling Ordinance that was passed January 15, 2015 by the Cook County Board of commissioners. This approves new fees on solid waste disposal and reporting requirements on solid waste and recycling collection and permit fees. This would impact our fees by $0.03 per home per month. He noted after discussion with himself, the City Clerk and City Treasurer, it was suggested that due to the fact that the Recycling Fund had accumulated money over the years, funds are available to be drawn upon to cover the increase and avoid imposing the WM fee to residents. It was also noted that in June, the rates would increase by $0.65. Alderman McHugh moved to approve having the City absorb the $0.68 Waste Management increase and to use the recycling funds. Alderman McAvoy second. Roll call: Aldermen Ferrero, Fonte, McAvoy, McHugh, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Waight aye. So approved.

Street Fair Liquor License – Mayor Howley stated it’s that time of year again to approve a temporary outdoor liquor license for the Annual Street Fair. Alderman Ferrero moved to approve the temporary outdoor Street Fair liquor license for June 27th (kickoff event) and June 28th. Alderman Stachnik second. Roll call: Aldermen Ferrero, Fonte, McAvoy, McHugh, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Waight aye. So approved.


Clerk Catizone reported Stagg High School Music Booster Club will host their annual spring arts and crafts show on March 21 and 22nd. They would like to place signs on 87th and Roberts Road, 95th and Kean Avenue and 95th and 88th Avenue. These signs would go up the week of February 21st thru March 23rd. If there are no objections, I will grant this request.

Clerk Catizone noted the Clerk’s Office is very busy as we prepare the annual Business License Renewals, along with preparing for the Street Fair with various permits and lastly, preparing for the upcoming police officer testing in April. Also, I would like to commend my staff that all braved the snow event of last Monday and made it into the office to field the many phone calls from our residents.


Treasurer Schramm presented the Treasurer’s Report dated January 31, 2015 for approval. Alderman McHugh moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report dated January 31, 2015. Alderman Szeszycki second. Roll call: Aldermen Ferrero, Fonte, McAvoy, McHugh, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Waight aye. So approved.


No report submitted.


Mike Spolar reported Robinson Engineering has completed the Cook County 2015 Community Development Block Grant Program Application. He distributed a copy along with a map which outlines areas in Hickory Hills that qualify for this program. The Council questioned what kind of programs would be looked into. Mr. Boettcher stated the City would suggest sewer lining again.

Mr. Spolar gave a summary of the storm sewer recap improvements. Improvement A – 89th Street to 91st Street; 85th Court to 85th Avenue and Improvement B – 8728 S. 85th Court and Orchard on the Hill. The issue is the existing sewer is undersized. The Council was given a copy of the recap, a map of the area, an estimate and a schedule of prices for their review and decision at a later date.



Alderman Szeszycki moved to approve the bills payable for the first half of February, 2015 in the amount of $599,250.92. Alderman Fonte second. Roll call: Aldermen Ferrero, Fonte, McAvoy, McHugh, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Waight aye. So approved.



No report submitted

Stachnik/Public Safety

Chief Vodicka congratulated Alderman Stachnik on the birth of his daughter this past week. Alderman Stachnik thanked everyone for all their well wishes.

Zimmerman/Public Works

Mr. Boettcher reported the Cook County Highway Department has requested final payment on the 88th Avenue project. Mr. Boettcher noted defaced sidewalks and other items remain an open issue and the City, along with an adjacent community, has refused payment until project is complete.

Mr. Boettcher stated Chicagoland received 19+ inches of snow for the 5th highest record snowfall. Oak Lawn recorded over 20 inches.


No report submitted.

Waight/Laws & Ordinances

Alderman Waight is in receipt of two business certificate applications. 1) State Farm Insurance located at 7834 W. 95th Street. The agent is Angelika Kipta. 2) Taste Buds located at 8035 W. 87th Street. This is a fast food restaurant and will be opening May 1st. No objections were noted.

Fonte/Health & Environmental Control

No report submitted.

Ferrero/Community Affairs/Youth Advisory

Alderman Ferrero reported the Community Affairs Committee has modified the Street Fair Application. She thanked them for the work on this.

Alderman McHugh stated he will sign the contract with Hayes Beer for the Street Fair.

Alderman McAvoy acknowledged that he had a good experience with A&H Rental for the tent, tables and chairs. Alderman McHugh noted the Beer Tent will use Classic Party Rentals.

Alderman Ferrero also noted she is looking into bands for the Street Fair.

McAvoy/Chamber Business Development

Alderman McAvoy distributed a flyer regarding the upcoming Annual Chamber Networking Night at the Sabre Room on Wednesday, February 25th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Please RSVP to Debbie at 233-6860. He noted the speakers will be Hickory Hills Mayor Mike Howley and Palos Hills Mayor Gerald Bennett.




Alderman McHugh is in receipt of a request from School District 109 for a donation to their Tech-Xtravaganza, March 19th. Their goal is to provide iPads for their classrooms. Alderman Stachnik moved to approve a $100.00 donation to District 109 from the City’s discretionary fund. Alderman Fonte second. Roll call: Aldermen Ferrero, Fonte, McAvoy, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Waight aye. Alderman McHugh pass. So approved.

Alderman McAvoy explained that the Discretionary Fund is not tax dollars. The monies are collected through volunteering and a raffle at the Street Fair.

The Council congratulated School District 117 for the receiving the National Title One Distinguished School.


Alderman Ferrero moved to adjourn the meeting until the next scheduled or specially called meeting. Alderman Waight second. Roll call: Aldermen Ferrero, Fonte, McAvoy, McHugh, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Waight aye. So approved.

Meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.m.