August 27, 2015 City Council Meeting Minutes

August 27, 2015 City Council Meeting Minutes


The regular meeting of the Hickory Hills City Council was called to order by Mayor Mike Howley on Thursday, August 27, 2015, at 7:33 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.


Mayor Mike Howley led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Upon roll call, the following were present:

  • Mayor, M. Howley
  • B. Fonte
    M. McHugh
    T. McAvoy
    J. Stachnik
    J. Szeszycki
    B. Waight
    S. Zimmerman
  • City Clerk, D. Catizone
  • City Treasurer, D. Schramm
  • City Attorney, V. Cainkar
  • City Engineer, M. Spolar
  • Police Chief, A. Vodicka
  • Public Works Director, L. Boettcher
  • Building Commissioner, J. Moirano

Alderman Brian Fonte was absent. There being a quorum present, the meeting was called to order.


Alderman McAvoy moved to open the meeting to the public. Alderman Stachnik second. Roll call: Aldermen Ferrero, McHugh, McAvoy, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Waight, Zimmerman aye. So approved.

At this time, City Engineer Mike Spolar gave an update on the 83rd Court and 89the Avenue storm sewer improvements. This was for the benefit of the residents in the audience. He noted the bidding process will take place in 7 to 14 days. He noted construction will be completed by end of fall.


Alderman Ferrero moved to close the meeting to the public. Alderman Stachnik second. Roll call: Aldermen Ferrero, McHugh, McAvoy, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Waight, Zimmerman aye. So approved.


Alderman McHugh moved to approve the minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of August 13, 2015 as printed subject to deletions or corrections. Alderman Szeszycki second. Roll call: Aldermen Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Waight, Zimmerman aye. So approved.



Mayor Howley presented a request from the Sertoma Club for a donation to their ad book. This will be reviewed to investigate which club is requesting this donation.

Mayor Howley reported Drive Time permits are being completed by the Building Department. He thanked John Moirano and Marilyn Gabrysiak for their assistance.

Mayor Howley is in receipt of two block party requests. 1) 81st Avenue from 92nd Place to 93rd Street on September 26th from 1:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. 2) 9000-9200 92nd Place on September 12th from 1:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. No objections were noted.


Clerk Catizone’s report was read by the Mayor.


Treasurer Schramm reported the State of Illinois is withholding MFT fund. The State is also withholding the video gaming revenue until a balanced budget is reached. The State of Illinois is holding approximately $60,000.00 of the City’s monies.


City Attorney Cainkar presented Ordinance #15-07, an ordinance authorizing the disposal by public auction or sale of personal property owned by the City of Hickory Hills. Alderman McHugh moved to approve Ord. #15-07. Alderman Waight second. Roll Call: Aldermen Ferrero, McHugh, McAvoy, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Waight, Zimmerman aye. So approved.


No report submitted.



Alderman Szeszycki moved to approve the bills payable for the second half of August 2015 in the amount of $512,838.04. Alderman McAvoy second. Roll Call: Aldermen Ferrero, McHugh, McAvoy, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Waight, Zimmerman aye. So approved.



Alderman Szeszycki deferred his report to New Business.

Stachnik/Public Safety

No report submitted.

Zimmerman/Public Works

No report submitted.


No report submitted.

Waight/Laws & Ordinances

Alderman Waight reported he is in receipt of three business certificate applications. 1) Sahara Restaurant located at 8609 W. 95th Street. 2) Strike Fitness located at 9831 S. 78th Avenue (E). 3) Toyour Al Jannah Center located at 8821 W. 87th Street, Suite C. No objections were noted.

Fonte/Health & Environmental Control

Alderman Fonte was absent. No report submitted.

Ferrero/Community Affairs/Youth Advisory

No report submitted.

McAvoy/Chamber Business Development

Alderman McAvoy announced The Hills Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing will be on Wednesday, September 16th. Invitations were distributed.

Alderman McAvoy would like the Public Works Department to investigate the micro-resurfacing project on Sandra Lane and 89th Avenue cul-du-sac. He has received some complaints regarding this roadwork. Mr. Boettcher noted when working in a cul-du-sac it is done by hand, the trucks can’t get into this small area. Mayor Howley stated Public Works will have the stones swept up. They also noted the street will smooth out and even out in time.


Alderman McHugh would like the City to investigate street sweeping at least twice a year. The Council will review the cost sweeping with Waste Management.


Alderman Szeszycki reviewed the employee health insurance. Beginning January 1, 2016, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will expand the definition of the small employer market segment to include groups with 51-100 employees. Hickory Hills has 60 employees eligible for health insurance. A result of this small group expansion would be the change to community ratings for premium rate calculation as of January 1st for Hickory Hills. Community ratings are determined on a per person basis, driven by age and geographic location. In addition, Hickory Hills current plans would be modified to meet ACA metallic level standard closest to what the City has now. An option to defer ratings and plan changes as of January 1, 2016 would need to change their policy/anniversary date to October 1, 2015. Alderman Szeszycki presented an option to change our policy/anniversary date to October 1st and keep the current plans in place for another year with a 9% increase. After a lengthy discussion, Alderman Szeszycki moved to approve this option to change policy anniversary date to October 1, 2015 with the 9% increase. Alderman McAvoy second. Roll call: Aldermen Ferrero, McAvoy, McHugh, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Waight, Zimmerman aye. So approved.

It was also the Council’s recommendation to meet with the Employee Insurance Committee and review and explain these changes.

Alderman McHugh is in receipt of a request from Roberts Roadhouse to hold their Annual Rib Fest on Saturday, September 5th. No objections were noted.


Alderman Ferrero moved to adjourn the meeting until the next regularly scheduled or specially called meeting. Alderman Waight second. Roll call: Aldermen Ferrero, McHugh, McAvoy, Stachnik, Szeszycki, Waight, Zimmerman aye. So approved.

Meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.