April 25, 2020 Update from the Mayor

April 25, 2020 Update from the Mayor

Yesterday, the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) announced 2,724 new confirmed cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois. Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 39,658 cases, including 1,795 deaths, in 96 counties in Illinois.  As of Saturday, April 25, there are now 45 confirmed cases of COVID in Hickory Hills and 2 deaths.

Please Follow Recommendations of  Public Health Experts 

As you know, throughout these updates I have encouraged us to listen to the public health experts and scientists when it comes to our individual decision making to better assure our health and welfare.  Recently, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of emergency room visits involving the intentional ingestion of disinfectants such as Lysol, bleach, and other common household surface disinfecting products.  As such, I would implore everyone NOT to ingest or inject household cleaning products.

A useful link below from the CDC confirms that there are no current drugs to prevent or treat COVID-19:


Furthermore, yesterday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a Drug Safety Communication regarding known side effects of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, including serious and potentially life-threatening heart rhythm problems, that have been reported with their use for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19, for which they are not approved by the FDA.  Link below:


Chamber Fundraiser 

Another reminder that our local chamber of commerce is having a T-Shirt/Hoodie sale to benefit the organization which in turn assists many of our local businesses.  The front of the shirt is depicted below, along with my son, Calen, and daughter, Feona. The back of the shirt and hoodie lists all of the 2020 chamber members … all 106 of them. For ease of ordering simply visit the website at www.thehillschamber.org; click order shirts here tab; and then click “go” next to the Hill Chamber of Commerce online store.



Please do not forget that our good friends at Primetime Restaurant and the many other local restaurants that remain open for your carryout dining pleasure.  You can even order alcohol with your meals at many of the establishments.

Please Help Keep Hickory Hills Clean 

I have reported several times about inconsiderate shoppers discarding gloves and masks in the grocery store parking lots.  This is rude, disgusting and a health hazard.  Though at times it might not look like it in some areas, I wanted to report that our outstanding public works crew does regularly try to pick up trash on the County and State roads to keep our town looking good.   This is not exactly the best use of the public works department’s time, but it is amazing how quickly areas can get littered with the trash from those who discard plastic bags, plastic cups and other fast food trash.  This is generally a very windy time and given the crisis there seems to be even more trash strewn about.  Warmer weather will help welcome grass cutting season and both public works and our many residents will pick up trash prior to mowing.  Cook County has hired a company to sweep its streets in town ( 87th, 88th and Roberts Road) this spring.  Garbage flying around is a perpetual maintenance issue.  If everyone works to together, we can help keep the town clean. 

Waffle Wedding 

Have a great rest of the weekend!

Mayor Mike