June 11, 2020 City Council Meeting Minutes
The regular meeting of the Hickory Hills City Council was called to order by Mayor Mike Howley on Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 7:30 p.m. on a conference call. Clerk Catizone was present in the council chambers recording the meeting.
Mayor Howley lead the pledge of allegiance.
Upon roll call, the following were present:
- Mayor, M. Howley
Aldermen, D. Ferrero
B. Fonte
H. Kman
M. McHugh
P. Purtill
J. Stachnik
B. Waight
S. Zimmerman - City Clerk, D. Catizone
- City Attorney, V. Cainkar
- City Engineer, M. Spolar
- City Treasurer, A. Vodicka
- Police Chief, C. Hobart
- Public Works Director, S. Lehr
- Building Commissioner, J. Moirano
There being a quorum present, the meeting was called to order.
Mayor Howley noted no comments/questions were received from the public through email or telephone.
Alderman Stachnik moved to approve the minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of May 28, 2020 as printed subject to deletions or corrections. Alderman Ferrero second. Roll call: Aldermen Ferrero, Fonte, Kman, McHugh, Purtill, Stachnik, Waight, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Mayor Howley thanked the Police and Public Works Department with regards to the marches in our area over last weekend. Very good community effort.
Mayor Howley reported the restaurants in the area with the tents seem to be having a positive response. He has received no complaints.
Mayor Howley noted the billboard on 87th Street has an enhanced landscaping rendering with the efforts of Public Works Director Sue Lehr.
Mayor Howley thanked Building Commissioner Moirano, Mike Spolar and Sue Lehr for attending the meeting with the developers of Ricky Rockets. They are out to bid for contractors and are moving forward with this project. Mr. Moirano stated this will be a well-coordinated project. Alderman Ferrero stated she has received questions regarding the traffic patterns on 95th Street for Ricky Rockets. Mike Spolar noted IDOT will be monitoring and may have restrictions for access.
No report submitted.
No report submitted.
Attorney Cainkar presented Ordinance #20-8, an ordinance amending Chapter 3, City Government, Section 3.04, Mayor’s Powers and Duties, of the Hickory Hills Municipal Code, by adding Section 3.04 (g), Civil Emergencies. Alderman McHugh moved to approve Ordinance #20-8. Alderman Ferrero second.
Roll Call: Aldermen Ferrero, Fonte, Kman, McHugh, Purtill, Stachnik, Waight, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Mayor Howley opened the Public Hearing for the purposes of discussing the 2020/2021 Appropriation Ordinance (7:45 p.m.). Clerk Catizone noted no comments had been sent to the City Council. Mayor Howley closed the Public Hearing (7:48 p.m.).
Attorney Cainkar presented Ordinance #20-09, an ordinance providing for a budget and appropriation for corporate and other purposes for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2020, and ending April 30, 2021, for the City of Hickory Hills, Cook County, Illinois. Alderman Kman moved to approve Ordinance #20-09. Alderman Purtill second. Roll call: Aldermen Ferrero, Fonte, Kman, McHugh, Purtill, Stachnik, Waight, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Attorney Cainkar presented Ordinance #20-10, an ordinance amending Chapter 31, licenses, of the Hickory Hills Municipal Code by changing, Section 31.02, license fee, and Section 31.12, tobacco and electronic cigarette dealer and specialty dealer. Alderman McHugh moved to approve Ordinance #20-10. Alderman Purtill second. Attorney Cainkar stated this would limit these establishments to five (5). Roll call: Aldermen Ferrero, Fonte, Kman, McHugh, Purtill, Waight, Zimmerman aye. Alderman Stachnik nay. So approved.
Mr. Spolar updated the Council on projects going on in the City. He noted the street program is moving ahead this week.
Alderman Kman moved to approve the bills payable for the first half of June 2020 in the amount of $257,120.08. Alderman Waight second. Roll call: Aldermen Ferrero, Fonte, Kman, McHugh, Purtill, Stachnik, Waight, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
No report submitted.
Stachnik/Public Safety
Chief Hobart presented the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the Village of Bedford Park to provide dispatch services for Bedford Park Police. This agreement was approved at the last Council meeting but some wording was not finished. A completed agreement was distributed to the Council. No objections were noted.
Zimmerman/Public Works
Ms. Lehr reported The Tollway is preparing to start shoulder rehabilitation and traffic crossover from 95th Street to LaGrange. Work involves removal of the southbound outside shoulder and southbound & northbound median shoulders, as well as placement of some temporary pavement. Work is planned to begin in July. The tollway will be hosting weekly meetings to update municipalities on the project progress.
Ms. Lehr noted Public Works has added 70 new perennials to the streetscaping on 95th Street surrounding the light poles. Plants were added to areas with low or no foliage covering. Plans are to add more plants in the fall to continue to replenish in small batches.
Ms. Lehr reported the digital billboard company is planning on adding some small shrubs and perennials to finish off the corner at 87th Street and 88th Avenue and then replacing any disturbed grass. Back in April, Public Works had asked the same company to give an estimate on some additional work. Additional work would include a brick wall on each side with an end pillar. Each wall would have a planter box for annuals. Estimate was $5,888.00 and was an item included in this year’s budget. Public Works will assist with any of the work to bring the cost lower, if possible. As we would like to get this work done before final restoration, Public Works will issue a purchase order for this work, unless there are any concerns. No objections were noted.
Alderman McHugh reported the safety glass has been installed at City Hall. He is also scheduling a deep cleaning of the building before it is open to the public.
Alderman McHugh noted Parkview Apartments have no vacancies at this time.
Purtill/Laws & Ordinances
Alderman Purtill presented one business certificate applications for approval. This is for Paradise Smoke Shop located at 9452 S. Roberts Road. Building Commissioner Moirano added this unit will need to be brought up to code. No objections were noted.
Fonte/Health & Environmental Control
Alderman Fonte reported for the month of May, At Your Door Collection had 37 stops with 2,970 pounds collected.
Ferrero/Community Affairs/Youth Advisory
No report submitted.
Waight/Chamber Business Development
No report submitted.
Building Commissioner Moirano reported the strip mall at 9525 S. 79th Avenue, has been cleaned up by the owner and he also installed new guardrails.
Clerk Catizone thanked S & M Auto for their recent donation of masks to City Hall.
Alderman Ferrero moved to adjourn the meeting until the next regular or specially called meeting. Alderman Waight second. Roll call: Aldermen Ferrero, Fonte, Kman, McHugh, Purtill, Stachnik, Waight, Zimmerman aye. So approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.