December 2, 2020 Update from the Mayor

December 2, 2020 Update from the Mayor

Illinois officials recently announced 7,178 new confirmed and probable cases of COVID and 57 additional fatalities. The new numbers came as Dr. Anthony Fauci said that the U.S. may see a “surge upon a surge” of the coronavirus over the coming weeks.  Sadly, over the last week, our City’s cumulative COVID count has risen from 649 and 12 deaths to 715 and 14 deaths.  The two most recent deaths occurred on 11/27 and 12/1 according to public health data.

With the promising news of multiple vaccines on the way, it remains imperative that each of us does our part to protect ourselves and others.  We have come too far to let our guard down by visiting crowded indoor environments and not consistently wearing a mask.  The best advice that I have received is to assume that everyone that you encounter has COVID and to take the appropriate precautions of social distancing, wearing a mask and washing your hands regularly  This winter certainly will not be any easier, but there really is reason for optimism with the pending distribution of the COVID vaccines.  Hang in there as we are closer to getting through this public health crisis.

Lights of Hickory Hills Celebration A Great Success

Last evening we held our Drive Up Lights of Hickory Hills event where more than 30 families in cars enjoyed holiday music, the activation of our city holiday lights and even a surprise visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus.  (See below). 

Special thanks to Public Works Director Sue Lehr and the entire public works team for helping stage this creative event.  Much thanks also to Alderman Debbie Ferrero and the Community Affairs Committee members who continue to volunteer their time and creativity at our community events.  Finally, thanks to Clerk Dee Catizone and her office for helping with phone reservations for the event. 

Be sure to drive by the park next to city hall at night as it never has looked better.  Also, take a drive past our video board at 87th and 88th Avenue when you have a chance to enjoy the new holiday décor on that corner.

Thanks again to Public Works and Community Affairs for organizing and staging an incredible event!


Snoring Dog

Solo Pump Up the Jam

Mask Up!

Mayor Mike