May 5, 2021 Update from the Mayor

May 5, 2021 Update from the Mayor

COVID-19 Update

There are now 1,275 confirmed, cumulative cases of COVID-19 in Hickory Hills with 22 related deaths.  Based on reputable scientific data supporting the declining virus positivity rates, it is clear that vaccinations have really helped reduce the spread of COVID-19 and limited the severity of the illness.  Vaccines are now readily available, but for some there remains hesitancy to take the vaccine.  Those who remain hesitant should review and evaluate competent, trustworthy scientific sources for information about the vaccine and/or consult with your personal physician. The link to a recently updated Yale University School of Medicine article below provides a great summary of the available vaccines.

Food Drive Success and Update 

Public Works is scheduled to drop off the food donations collected from the Arbor Day Food Drive and the in-store Jewel Osco food collection.  The City collected over 2,240lbs of food and several monetary donations for Elsie’s Pantry and HH Presbyterian Church food pantry. A little over 1lb of food equals a meal for someone in need. Thank you to all who donated. In recognition of Arbor Day, the City will plant a pollinator tree for every 100 pounds of food donated. This means we will be planting 22 new pollinator trees throughout town. The tree’s flowers are critical sources in providing pollen and nectars for pollinating bees and butterflies. It is estimated that a third of our diet is dependent on pollinators. Some of the excellent pollinator trees we will be planting include Redbuds, Crabapples, Dogwoods, Lindens and Tulip Trees. Several of these are early Spring bloomers which provide a valuable food source for bees at a time when food is scare.

Pictured below is the additional 400 lbs. of food collected at the in store Jewel-Osco food drive.   Thanks again to our local Jewel-Osco for sponsoring the food collection and the very generous Jewel customers who donated to the cause of helping our neighbors in need.

Not In Job Description

Dad Press Conference

Stay Safe! Mayor Mike