March 21, 2022 Update from the Mayor

TRAFFIC ALERT! Free Gas Giveaway at the Falcon Gas Station Located at 8702 S. Roberts Road on Thursday, March 24
Starting at 7 a.m. on Thursday, March 24, the Falcon Gas Station in Hickory Hills will be giving away free gas ($50 per vehicle) as part of Willie Wilson’s $1 Million Gas Giveaway At 50 Stations. Please read the link below for more details. The Hickory Hills police department will be managing traffic control as best they can under the circumstances. From Chief Hobart:
We are issuing a traffic alert for Thursday, March 24th from 6 AM to 12 PM, for the area of 87th Street and Roberts Road. The gas station on that corner, Falcon Fuel, is hosting a free fuel giveaway that starts at 7 AM and we anticipate a heavy traffic burden in the area from people taking advantage of the offer. The intersection is already under traffic pressure from the I294 project and this event will exacerbate the traffic problem. We encourage everyone to avoid the area and utilize alternate routes if possible. For east/west traffic, we encourage you to utilize 79th Street or 95th Street and for north/south traffic, we encourage you to utilize 88th Avenue or Harlem Avenue. Please drive safely.
Turned the Tables
Encounter with Bear
March Madness
Have a good week!
Mayor Mike