Winter Weather Event Notice from Public Works Department
Computer models vary, but there is a possibility for significant snowfall, frigid temperatures and high winds. Please be cautious when shoveling, residents should not over exert themselves during this activity. Experts suggest shoveling the snow in stages.
Shoveling Tips:
- First, Stretch Your Muscles
- Dress in Layers to Stay Warm
- Keep the Blade Close to you to Reduce Back Strain
- Take Frequent Breaks
- Don’t “Bite Off” too much, Skim off the Top Layer of Snow then Scoop up the Bottom so you aren’t Lifting too much Weight.
- Don’t Throw the Snow in the Street, it will just come back into your Driveway.
Just like shoveling, plowing snow can be difficult. Snow builds up on the plow because of the slow speeds that must be applied. Heavy snow coming off the blade takes down frail mailboxes and knocks down garbage cans. This type of snow also “rolls” in front of the plow, much like a snowman. These snow balls drop off randomly and aren’t intentional. The main priority for the City is to keep streets safe to travel for emergency vehicles and motorists.
One of the biggest challenges we face are obstructions in the street. Cars parked on the street, garbage cans and manmade snow drifts create unnecessary hazards. We ask that you keep your vehicles off the street so we can effectively clean the street for safe passage. Keep in mind our plow trucks are wider than a typical car. During a snow event we will make multiple trips down each side of the street. We aren’t done until the snow stops falling.
This is our first big event this Winter, PLEASE be CAUTIOUS and STAY SAFE out there. We have been blessed so far. Call with Public Works with questions at 708-598-7855.