August 22, 2023 Update from the Mayor

Extreme Heat Warning Next Two Days…Please be safe
This Wednesday and Thursday are projected to be at or near 100 degrees. Please be safe and limit outdoor activity. If you or a neighbor are in need of access to air conditioning, please do not hesitate to contact city hall at 708/598-4800 or the police non-emergency phone number at 708/598-1313. There are a number of municipal buildings, including our community center, located at 7800 W. 89th Place, that will be open to the public for those in need of air conditioning. On a related note, there are some service providers, such as our waste hauler, LRS, that must work in the heat. To protect its workers, LRS may start its collection a little earlier than normal so please consider placing your toters at the curb the night before or earlier than usual in the morning.
Hills Chamber Farmer’s Market Is Now Dog Friendly!

The extreme heat will be out of the area by Friday (expected high of 84 and sunny!) so bring your pooch to the Hills Farmer’s Market. .
The Farmer’s market is held each Friday in the City Hall Parking Lot from 7 a.m. – 1 p.m.
School District 117 Job Opportunities
North Palos SD117 is hiring!
Come join our team. We have immediate openings for the following positions:
School Nurse
School Psychologist
Special Education Teachers
Bilingual Teachers
Classroom Teachers
Lunch/Recess Supervisors
We provide great benefits & competitive pay. Please apply online by clicking this link:
- Middle School Teaching (3)
- Student Support Services (3)
- Substitute (3)
- Support Staff (9)
- Transportation (1)
American Legion Post 1993 Fishing Tourney Saturday, August 26 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
The men and women of American Legion Post 1993 annually support our city’s Veteran’s Day Ceremony and are hosting a fishing tournament this Saturday in nearby Orland Park. Information on the event below:

Trick Shot
Talented Pup
Please be safe and keep an eye out for anyone who may be experiencing problems with the heat.
Mayor Mike