November 15, 2023 Update from the Mayor

Leaf Burning Prohibited in Hickory Hills
Fall is the time for hot cider, corn mazes and making leaf piles in your backyard, not burning leaf piles in your backyard. Please think twice about burning leaf piles because it is harmful to everyone’s health, including your neighbors. According to Atrium Health, leaf burning can cause asthma, bronchitis, itchy eyes, headaches and runny nose, and even life-threatening complications. Burning leaves also produces massive amounts of fine dust, soot and small particles that are released into the air, potentially going deep into your lungs to produce chest pain, coughing, shortness of breath and wheezing. Short- and long-term exposure to burning fallen leaves can even lead to an increased risk of asthma attacks, heart attacks and carbon monoxide poisoning.
If being a good neighbor is of no concern, then it is important to know that leaf burning is illegal in Hickory Hills and violators are subject to a considerable fine. Specifically, the city ordinance provides:

Hear Something Say Something
Have a great rest of the week.
Mayor Mike