January 11, 2024 Update from the Mayor

Winter Storm on Its Way…..Please Be Safe
Reminder from Hickory Hills Public Works:
Friday we are expecting snow mixed with rain. The snow could be heavy at times with accumulation of a blustery 3 to 5 inches. Keep in mind the practice of pushing or blowing snow from private driveways into the public roadways is prohibited. This causes slippery, unsafe conditions and hinders snow removal efforts.
Cars parked on the street, garbage cans and manmade snow drifts create unnecessary hazards. We ask that you keep your vehicles off the street so we can effectively clean the street for safe passage. Keep in mind our plow trucks are wider than a typical car. During a snow event we will make multiple trips down each side of the street.
The weekend brings us low temperatures and high wind chills that will remain for the next week. Please take precautions when going outdoors. Layer your clothing, cover up exposed skin to protect from frostbite and wear shoes with a good grip. Watch for slippery conditions walking and driving. With brutally low temperatures following the snow, salt becomes ineffective, this makes clearing surfaces extremely difficult.
Inside, check to ensure the heat is circulating throughout all the rooms of the house. Open cabinet doors so heat can get to the plumbing fixtures on exterior walls. Drip faucets to keep pipes from freezing and bursting.
During this cold snap please check on seniors, the disabled, family members and neighbors.
Magic Moment for 91 Year Old
Please be safe this weekend and next week.
Mayor Mike