April 10, 2020 Update from the Mayor

Today, the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) announced 1,465 new confirmed cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois. Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 17,887 cases including 596 deaths in 83 counties in Illinois. There are now 20 confirmed COVID cases in Hickory Hills.
Birthday Patrol
Since COVID has impacted virtually every aspect of our lives. Unfortunately, there is not much that can be done to bring back certain social gatherings like a birthday party for a child. However, Chief Hobart and our wonderful officers with the Hickory Hills Police Department would love the opportunity to surprise a child on his or her birthday with an appearance on your driveway, sirens and all. To arrange a birthday visit from an officer please e-mail Chief Hobart at chobart@hickoryhillspd.us and he will be happy work with you on a surprise birthday wish for your child.
Update from Public Works
In times like these I hope you enjoy reading that our City’s Public Works Department continues to perform every day municipal functions.
Water Main Replacement – The water main replacement on 97th Place is moving forward. Contractor is moving equipment and material to the site and excavation should hopefully begin next week, as we are waiting for some soil samples to come back. Residents have been notified of the pending activity.
Tree Planting – The tree planting contractor should be in town next week Thursday, weather permitting, to plant 50+ trees in parkways for a combined planting of the removal/replacement program and the City’s tree canopy program.
Cook County Forest Preserves Spring Newsletter
During this crisis we are so fortunate to have the vast Cook County Forest Preserves right at our doorstep. With the weather continuing to improve, I would encourage you to visit forest preserves to take a walk or even just a relaxing drive through the Palos Preserves, the largest contiguous section of the Cook County Forest Preserves. Time spent in nature makes you feel better emotionally and reduces blood pressure and stress.
Watch for These Native Animals in Your Neighborhood
Please Properly Dispose of Gloves and Masks
If you have ventured out to our grocery stores over the last week or so you will probably see more and more disposable gloves and masks strewn across the parking lot. Not that anyone reading this article would do so, but please remind others that gloves and masks should be discarded in waste containers. Our grocery store employees place themselves at risk each day to keep the shelves filled for all of us and really do not need any added risk in having to pick up used masks and gloves. As a resident who asked me to bring this up said, “Hickory Hills is such a great town with great residents. This city has to fight the virus with everyone on board. By taking some common sense steps we can stop this from spreading.”
Friday Funnies
From The Office…How NOT to Prevent the Spread of Germs
Have a great weekend and Happy Easter to the residents in our community who will be celebrating this holiday.
Mayor Mike