August 10, 2020 Update from the Mayor

Illinois public health officials recently announced 1,382 new confirmed case of COVID-19 and eight additional deaths. The numbers followed a statewide count over 2,000 for two straight days. There are now 195 confirmed cases of COVID in Hickory Hills with 5 related deaths. Despite the increase in confirmed cases, data from the Illinois Department of Public Health indicates that Hickory Hills has a -15% recent percent change. Several area communities have recent percent increases ranging from +11% to 56%. This indicates not only that the virus remains active in the area, but also that our residents are heeding the public health recommendations of wearing a mask, social distancing and washing hands regularly. Recent percent change is defined below:
Recent percent change is calculated by comparing counts from the past 14 days to the 14 days preceding that. Percent change is not calculated if there were 1-4 cases in the past 14 days or in the 14 days preceding that. Negative numbers mean a town is likely trending down in new cases reported. Positive numbers mean a town is likely trending up.
Update from Elsie’s Food Pantry
A reminder that there are still many amazing, kind people in this world. Thanks to all the wonderful volunteers at Elsie’s Food Pantry and for those of you who have been able to support their cause of feeding those area residents in need. Please note the local businesses below that are supporting the pantry. Below is a text that I received from the Director and long time volunteer of the pantry:
I hope all is well! just an update on Elsie’s Pantry. Last month we shattered our record: For the month of July-
449 Households
1,486 individuals
371 of those were children under 18! We have increased our food by +50% to handle the extra people coming for food. The Greater Chicago Food Depository is not charging us for food right now, and the selection is great but limited to quantity so every pantry will benefit. We have been purchasing extra canned goods and pasta from Fairplay who also supplies the extra boxes we need now. Valley Inn in Palos Hills has allowed us extra freezer space for the past 5 months. With the donation in honor of an alderman who passed recently, we are looking to buy a used industrial freezer. We are currently using 3 freezers and it’s still not enough. For now, we are serving everyone weekly if it’s needed. Still grateful and thankful for the generosity of all right now,
Beth, Karen, David, Chuck, Jane, Matt and Meredith.
Keep Eye on the Ball
“Keep your eye on the ball.”😂🤣
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) August 8, 2020
Beluga Whales Off The Coast
Mayor Mike