April 15, 2021 Update from the Mayor

April 15, 2021 Update from the Mayor

Waste Management At Your Door Waste Pick Up

Did you know that your Waste Management service allows you to responsibly dispose of unneeded electronics and hazardous wastes such as pesticides, paints and other solvents?  Simply call 1-800-440-7587 to speak with the Waste Management At Your Door Service representative to schedule a literal at your door pick up of such items.   A copy of the City’s March material disposal summary shows that your neighbors responsibly disposed of over 3,000 pounds of waste that avoided the landfill!

Material by Category

Sammie’s Cafe & Pancake House Is Now Open at 8110 W.  95th St, Hickory Hills, IL 60457

For those of you who have been waiting anxiously for Sammie’s to reopen, you have to wait no longer.  Sammie’s recently reopened for business in its newly remodeled location that was the former Great Wall Chinese Restaurant at 8110 W. 95th Street.  I hear that the food is as good as ever!

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

The Argo, Summit, Bedford Park Women’s Club recently installed blue pinwheels on SE corner of  87th and 88th Avenue to help call attention to preventing child abuse. 

Pinwheels for Prevention

Leap of Faith




Stay safe!

Mayor Mike