August 8, 2022 Update from the Mayor

Mosquito Spraying North of 87th Street Monday, August 8, 2022
Des Plaines Valley Mosquito Abatement District will be fog spraying tonight – North of 87th Street in Hickory Hills – to control adult mosquitos.
City Comprehensive Plan Open House Wednesday, August 17 5 p.m.- 7p.m. at City Hall
Help us prioritize planning initiatives for the future of Hickory Hills! Join us for a public visioning community open house Wednesday, August 17th at City Hall. The open house format is informal, feel free to stop by anytime between 5-7pm.
Can’t make the open house? Find the planning team at a pop-up booth at Hickory Hills Farmers Market, Friday, August 19th and stay tuned for more information on a follow up survey.
Learn more at

Local Road Resurfacing Delays
The quarry operator’s strike has ended so the city remains hopeful to complete resurfacing of Kean Ave from 87th Steet to north city limits. Public Works has a long list of asphalt restoration projects to complete, but there could be delays due to demand.
Division on Addictions Offers Free Services
Division On Addictions is an organization that helps vulnerable Illinois residents who are addicted to drugs or alcohol locate proper treatment options. Alcoholism and drug addiction are terrible crises affecting all ages in our communities – from teenagers to senior citizens. Finding treatment facilities that are able to understand the underlying causes of the addiction, and that are able to cure an individual so as to prevent any relapse, is often a very hard task. Division on Addictions helps those in greatest need find addiction treatment options that are the best for each individual situation. Best of all, the services are 100% free.
When Baby Hippos Attack
Never Give Up
Have a great week!
Mayor Mike